Spinal Cord Research Centre

SCRC Data Capture and Analysis Software - Tutorial 14

Cross-correlation Analysis of Filtered and Rectified Waveforms

tutorial_14.gif (4 KB)

Uses the sample data set apjedro4damp02.
Uses the shell scripts getwfdata and crosscorr, from our analysis script archive.

Purpose: to provide a correlation between two time series (2 WFs).
Outcome: Pearson's Product Moment correlation coefficient (r) shows positive, zero or negative correlation. Cross-correlation repeats this test at a number of "lags", shifting one series progressively left or right of the other, to show stability of phase relationships.
Procedure: Rectify and filter ENGs, select data range, downsample data, cross-correlate and plot.
Examples: Combining two cross-correlations on the same graph, creating a cross-correlation histogram figure using Excel.

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See also: SCRC Software On-line Documentation, SCRC Software Tutorials

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Revised January 11, 2006.